Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Try again

Try this link

Not sure why the other one didn't work, but this one seems to work.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thing # 12

Fun, but all-consuming!! And it's a tad hard to figure out. I now have a myspace page and I also joined the one Mary sent out.(Mesquite Librarians and Friends)
Today I worked (or played) through lunch to get this done. I will add more photos to myspace and try and figure out how to add music.
I'm not sure how I would use this in the library as I'm not really sure I'd want kids visiting my page. Not that I would worry about anything I have there, but my friends??? Well, that's a different story:) Just keeping up with technology is the biggest advantage of learning how to do this.

Here's my link.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Library Thing

Here's the link...hopefully:)

Thing # 11

Well, I joined Library Thing last week and read some of their blogs. I cataloged some books, but not really sure if it's the end all for me. Now, my sister, who has read every historical novel ever made? She needs this, but would have to pay the lifetime fee:) I think it's $10 or something like that.
It was very easy to navigate and add even helped me remember names of books. You could seach different ways and since I like John Grisham I did an author search on that one and the others I did title search. Then the name of the book comes up and all the info and you just add to your library...simple!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thing # 10 part 3

This was easy too, just a little different language. I could use this on my library webapge...maybe marking new arrivals or interesting things going on or for info on the book club meetings etc...

Thing 10 part 2

I got image from the comic was easy. Still looking.

Thing # 10

Well, it's trial and error. Before Thing 10 was posted I tried on my own to look at online image generators...not really having any idea what they were. This 3D site came up and I downloaded a 15 day trial and my time is almost up, so I thought I'd try it...hmmm guess it didn't work:) Sure looked good on my computer screen. Now I guess I'll try some of the ones that were posted for us. I'll be back soon...


Monday, November 12, 2007

Thing # 9

I think I need a another group discovery day. You know where we're all working and searching, but Debbie and Mary are there to tell us what we're doing wrong. I have been trying to search for library blogs. I have subscribed to two library related blogs...Brian Unbound and Not So Distant Future. The news feeds were easy and I am enjoying reading those. I didn't really think any of the ones listed on # 9 were easy to search. One was under construction and the others I found info, but not info about being able to subscribe to them. When I did think I found something it was an email update link.
I must not quite understand which ones can be subscribed to, or maybe there are a bunch out there that you can't. So, this post is part one of #9...just so you know I'm working on it and my next post will be when I figure out what's going on:)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fun Mash Up

I just did a fun mash up on the Law and Order CI website (click here)
It was fun putting it together...try it. Mine is named My Favs by Margaret. They were supposed to send me a link, but I haven't gotten it yet. Once I do I'll post it for all to see.

Thing # 8

I set up my RSS on Google Reader, on my own I set up the DallasNews and tried to do my church and a couple of other websites I like, but they didn't have the link. So, I went ahead and the the pre-arranged ones and yes, I got stuff I didn't want. There is a way to remove the unwanted subscriptions. I went to the link for Library Journal and only found the page to subscribe to the magazine, not the link for RSS. If anyone can help me with that I'd appreciate it. Once I get that I could use it to keep updated on reviews and trends that would help me with keeping the collection up to date.
The personal links like sports, you tube, entertainment etc...will waste my time I'm sure:) daughter is the top sales rep for the Dallas News so far in 2007. Right now she's in recruitment advertising, but will move to a different dept. next month.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thing # 7

I have been taking my time trying to really get a handle on each tool before I post...whew! I am worn out...and don't really have a great handle. I am trying to set up a calendar and google alerts, but I'm having trouble setting up a Google account which is weird because I thought I did that...but it's not working. I am also trying to perfect a Photo Story (which was one of the sessions I went to Friday)and I want to post it for all to see. I have found when you work (and play) on different computers the things you need are ALWAYS on the other computer...another one of Murphy's laws. I have been impressed reading everyone's blogs and I'm keeping an eye on LibraryMarn because she's kind of paving the way for all of us...keep it up!

...still tryng to reply to google's email that says you have to reply to, but guess what? No email yet and they do have my correct email address...hmmmm? Guess the calendar will have to wait until I have time to figure out what's going on. Not like anything important is due this week:)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Test Post

This is a test to see if my comments window shows up. I messed around with my settings and not sure what's happened:)

Thing # 6 Mashup and tools

I had a very hard time navigating through these sites. I had no idea what they were all about. The Flickr color pickr was pretty cool, but not sure how I would use it. The most fun was exploring the trading card site. I did make my own card, but need to figure out how to edit the picture and size it correctly. I also looked at the magazine cover and calendars. I think I could use them in the library with research units for example to do research on an inventor and do a trading card about that inventor as a final product. The magazine cover might also be a fun way to do it.
Even though I'm already making this post I'm not through exploring the sites and want to become more familiar with all these tools. I have been a bit reluctant to open an account with every site, but think that's what I'm going to have to do in order to truly "play".

Monday, October 22, 2007

flickr post

Well, I finally posted a picture and after several tries I realized it's really pretty easy. It's a bit overwhelming, but hopefully after I understand more about how to tag pics it will be much easier to browse. I'm amazed at how many people post on flickr...makes me think I've been living in the Dark Ages.

More Cliffs of Moher

More Cliffs of Moher
Originally uploaded by daftdog77
Hey, this is where I'm going this spring to a tournament...Ireland!!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thing #3

Wow! That was fun:) Creating an Avatar was pretty cool and I look better than I thought...oh wait, that's not really me. I guess this is just a small first step in the process of the 23 things. I've already looked at some pics in flickr and can't wait to upload some of my own.

Thing #4

I think I'll be able to use my blog for my book club. That would be a great way to discuss the readings and interact with the book club members. Another use would be to interact and collaborate with my fellow librarians. I'm sure once I get a little more familiar with it, I'll find lots more uses.

Thing #2

Of the 7 1/2 habits the easiest will be to play! The hardest might be to begin with the end in mind because I'm not sure what it's all about.

Thing #1

I want to learn the language of web 2.0. I want to be able to create a podcast and understand more about its uses. I also want to create a myspace account so I can better understand what the students are doing.

Getting Started

Whew! So much to think about. I can't wait to learn as I play!