Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Test Post

This is a test to see if my comments window shows up. I messed around with my settings and not sure what's happened:)


mmw said...

I think you're right - you will have to make an account with each tool in order to get the full benefit. Just get a little notebook to keep up with your usernames and passwords. That's the most frustrating part - not being able to remember how to login.
You're doing a great job! Keep having fun!

Debbie said...

It looks like you fixed it. Way to go!

Librarianmarn said...

I actually wanted to post to your mashups post, but it doesn't have a "comment" point when I pull it up on my computer. So here it is:

I love your idea about the trading card for inventors. I think that would be an excellent way for the kids to finalize a biography project and it would be so easy to grade!

I also liked the Flickr color pickr, but can't figure out how I would use it, except to post pics to the library website for the seasons or something.....