Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Problems with YouTube and Society

I just read Puppy Papers post about Flikr and I had told her a few days ago about a video that almost made me cry. Of course I always look up karate and it had a young man very overweight doing a grappling match. It was a competition and so the event lasted a long time...too long for me to even finish watching. The young man had messed his gi(uniform), and of course they are white. The person video taping made a comment that this will be on YouTube tomorrow and they just laughed and laughed. They shot closeups as the young man was competing. Luckily, what I saw never showed his face, but I turned it off. I won't watch it again to see if it does. Meg told me to flag it, but I haven't tried yet. But an innocent high school boy could be traumatized by this and it's NOT fair. As much as I enjoy technology I also see the evils of it.


schnauzermommy said...

As part of my Google Reader assignment I added Mark Cuban's blog. It has really been more about technology and other interesting things not related to the Mavericks. I have enjoyed reading it. I would be curious to post that question to him but afraid that too much discussion of either issue will only make people seek out those videos.

I wish there was something we could do!

blondie said...

It is a shame we live in a society that thinks it is "humorous" to make fun of others.I have seen some videos on youtube that I thought were way over the top. If we did you it at school we would really have to have some strict guidelines.

rookiereader said...

I agree that it is terrible that people will post items on YouTube with thought to anyone else. Like you stated this could crush a high school student. It also worries me that with "creative" editing now, many things can be falsely posted too, with the intent to hurt. I really can't image that we could ever allow free reign over YouTube in the schools, even though there are some great, useful videos.

Debbie said...

That makes me sad too. Society wonders why we have things like "Columbine". I think it starts with things like this.